University at Buffalo
Contact Us!
Feel free to contact us by emailing ubpredental@gmail.com. This is the best way to contact us for any pre-dental related questions! You can also directly email any E-Board member!
If you are contacting us for any commercial reason, the only way to contact us is by emailing ubpredental@gmail.com.

Welcome to UB Pre-Dental Association's official homepage!
This site has been created as a part of a guide for all pre-dental students in University at Buffalo, the State University of New York.
If you would like to receive the club's regular updates via e-mail, you can sign up to our mailing list by clicking "Membership Registration" menu.
Thank you for your interest in UB PDA and we hope you enjoy our website! Updates of our club's activities and events will be listed below frequently for your convenience.
How can I become a member?
1. Register as a member of Pre-Dental Association on UBlinked
2. Please email ubpredental@gmail.com with-
Your name
UB email address
Class standing at UB
We will add you to our listserv so you can get all the club updates and attend meetings/events, so that you can be a member!
Become an official member of ASDA!
Have you enjoyed the company of the dental students at the workshops and meetings? Feel free to browse their website and join their organization as a pre-dental member! The links are below.